There are places on this earth where it's peaceful..where trees have been slumbering for ages..and forests are old as time. I know such a place...and if you let me I will take you a story, which I'm about to tell you now.
 I will choose my words carefully, so you can listen, and memorize, this to tribute the creatures who will surely come alive in this saga, and, like they told me secretly, will never leave you..They will be there to give you strength...courage..hope..and stay with you, by your side and in your heart for ever and ever....or, as long as you need them to .
 They promised to also make you smile..because a smile is one of the most beautiful things human eyes can's like a sunrise!
 And with a sunrise this adventure begins..

What color would you like the sunrise to be...picture your mind's eye.!.
Then ,let the light slowly caress the wake up the birds.
The birds are always first to rise..Did you know  it's the older birds that rise sooner than the young..Yes, the young may be bold and sitting in the top of the highest tree, but it's always the wise and elderly who sing the sunrise song...I think it's because they know that there is no time to waste.. life is short!

Through a veil of mist the sun now reaches the hedgerows..dewdrops are catching rays of light and create rainbow mirrors..this to please the little creatures living there,in the undergrowth.

Slowly the light is crawling through the grass...entering rabbit holes and revealing fluffy bunny ears...
One very bright and strong ray of sunlight creeps into a jungle of ferns...then, stays there for a second, like it's wondering to get out..or maybe still continue in this wilderness..But like the saying goes - it has to be dark to see the light- motivates this little ray to carry on...And behold....his light went shining straight through the ferns...only to show that behind this green cascade of leaves there was an entrance of yet another dark matter..

Now, the light, very curious and determent to explore, made his way into the blackness..searched, found, and touched something..and this THING responded.....with a sneeze...!

The morning sunrise had just landed in a bears den, and tickled a bears nose...

After the sneeze...which created a breeze in the leaves....there was silence in the den...

 The bear then growled, with a gloomy dark brown voice...
-Go away....!
-Go away I say..I command you, LIGHT, leave my den..NOW...!

 But as we all know..the early morning light will not be chased's playful...filled with expectation.
It calls you..beckons you...says,open your eyes you earthling..this is the day..this is the day that will never return..!
Not ONE but many rays of light now filled the bears den...and all together they decided to have a ball !
In the dusty den millions of little light particles danced and whirled..and when the bear carefully opened ONE eye..he was almost blinded by all of the sparkles and glitter..

The first word which then sprung to his mind was...


 And after months and months of sleep....the bear jumped up, grinned, clapped his paws and made his fur shake..He was awake...

 The bear was back...


ITS a...

Mountains can be high...rivers wide...and a road may be winding and long ...The bear knew..
 Softly the sun filters its early morning light through fresh green leaves.
Spring is promising..and the bear starts his journey..
At first..he is just standing there..letting the sun warm his old bones..The road ahead would be difficult.. The bear knew...

 Days became nights, and nights became days again..
The bear sometimes rested under a sheltering starry sky.. Every new day the sun accompanied him..getting stronger..days grew longer..and the bear was now feeling younger..than he was..

 There he stood...on a hilltop covered with pine trees....catching a gust of wind in his nose..smelling a familiar scent..of straw..wildflowers..shadow of Oak ..
- Summer has arrived..whispered the bear.
 The caresses of the breeze tickled his fur, and the bear sighed.. The Bear knew..he was almost there..

 Meanwhile...on a different Hilltop, a mouse was wandering.. A mouse wearing a straw hat..A Mouse on a summer stroll..
 She had been climbing the Hilltop and now paused for a while under the big old oak tree, midst the wildflowers, to catch her breath..

 The sun stood high..there was a soft breeze..
 -Aah,  sighed the mousse..The summer wind..!
 The wind took with him the smell of shade from Pine trees.....and..what was that.. something in the air was....was very familiar..
 -I know that smell..said Miss Moussie..and of course she knew..she always knows everything.
.-Its...its...and there Miss Moussie stopped..threw her straw hat in the air and jumped for joy before she called out...

 ........IT's A BEAR...


 In a garden - not so very far from where Miss Moussie now is tumbling down the hill like a fluffy tumbleweed, because she is in such a hurry to go tell what she had just discovered -someone is sitting in a deckchair…drinking iced tea…

 -It hasn't been this warm since years... said the Dutchess to herself whilst waving fiercely with a fan…its almost too hot to handle... !
 She had been trying to write... but really it was too hot to concentrate... then she tried to read... but the words were to slow to enter her mind... they lingered in the heat and evaporated...
 Then she planned to take a little nap… a siesta in the garden under the old oak tree... but her thoughts wandered of all over the place and now she just was sitting there... watching the grass grow...

 Time took her time to pass… like it was stuck… sticky minutes gliding like hot syrup dripping from a spoon...

 Whilst casting her eyes over the lawn… over the pink roses, the Pond in the distance... the garden path towards Hilltop Hall... the Dutchess  smiled... How much she loved that old, with green ivy overgrown house... sometimes she felt like she could hug it ... wasn't that silly...  Sure, there were worries ... the cracks in the old walls…lots of squeaky doors, an ancient plumbing system..the pipes sometimes made a noise like a complete wind orchestra playing a concerto, and maybe, just maybe, she needed to redecorate . There still was the wallpaper her grandmother once plastered to the bedroom walls…showing birds and forget-me-not’s. And the fireplace in the kitchen was the same one like one-hundred years ago...

 Suddenly, a noise coming from the entrance of the garden, at the garden gate, interrupted our dear Dutchess in her reminiscing’s... A mouse came running... waving a yellow straw hat... squeaking at the top of her longs, louder than any old door ever could squeak in the whole house….

 -He’s coming home..he's coming home...!


The hours to come would later proof to be more than magical..they would be epic…!
 This, our Dutchess and Miss Moussie didn't know yet…but, now, dear reader and friend, YOU hold on to this book and read on..

After  Miss Moussie  did catch her breath she was able to tell The Dutchess what  she had just found on the Hilltop..

-A scent you say..really,  did I understand you found something smelly..said the Dutchess  surprised..
- Yes..Squeaked Miss Moussie exited…LIKE BEAR..!

…The summer breeze hushed.. the birds paused in their  flight and song, and with the butterflies they fluttered by,  in slow motion..curious…listening.
The word BEAR changed the entire atmosphere in the garden became very…maybe like a quiet  before a storm..

-Is he..could it..can it be….really HIM, whispered the Dutchess ?
-I know its him,  squeaked Miss Moussie softly…there is no one that smelly. I mean…well, (and there she giggled).
-Then, my dear Miss M, we can expect him any minute now..!
-I believe we can dearest Dutchess..I believe we can…O my goodness…so many things to do so little time..I must assemble a  welcome home comity..

The stillness in the garden became now noticeable..even for the Dutchess and Miss Moussie in their enthusiasm … Clouds gathered.. the hot summer day changed  into a summer evening that wrapt itself around the Hilltop inhabitants like a  moist cloak…

-This heat is too heavy for a delicate creature like myself..squeaked Miss Moussie..I just can’t  think straight ..there’s  a fog  rising..
-In  your mind darling..?
-No, look…over the Pond and beyond……it looks very suspicious. One can never trust a fog !
-Heavens, looks kind of greenish!  We better go inside dear…
 A storm is rising..

And so they did…a Dutchess and a Mousse. Together waiting for what was coming next…

At the Pond a strange fog waved over the white water lilies ..the surface of the water rippled. A green creature appeared. A frog in the fog…It was Gustave coming to check on the weather. But after a quick glance  he dived back into the water…heading for the deep…to be safe...


…On the  Hilltop, at Hilltop Hall, in the Hilltop Hall living room, a Mouse and a Dutchess sit together, side by side, in a window nook viewing the misty garden. They look worried!

-I do hope all our friends have found shelter….. twittered Miss Moussie,  and I better stay with you dearest, in case something happens,  I being all alone in this big old Hilltop mansion..!
-Please do...answered the Dutchess …but I must say I do  like a good thunderstorm once in a while. It clears the air..…
-Yes…well…I don’t know twittered Miss Moussie …Maybe..some tea calm our nerves..?
-That’s a wonderful  idea. You stay put my sweet mouse…I will be back in jiffy..

The Dutchess left the living room, leaving Miss Moussie staring into the fog…it turned from green into a mysterious purple haze.

 The passage from the living room towards the kitchen was dark. It was a hallway filled with old ornaments,  and the walls were decorated with paintings from the Dutchess’s ancestors.
There was one with a Pirate…and one picturing a  lady in a wintry forest,in depth of field  with  next to her an owl sitting on a fence.
Quickly our Dutchess moved through the corridor..…the darkness didn't bother her…she knew every shadow and every sound..

But..did she really…?
Because,  then,  suddenly,  she heard something  ..softer then a whisper..more like someone breathing.. followed by a very clear  tinkling sound. Like a bell or  icicle’s moving in the wind..
Abruptly the Dutchess stopped ….she listened…who, or what was it that made this corridor into its hiding place....!
-Anybody there…she said in a calm tone of voice…and she repeated…ANYBODY ..answer me please…!
No answer was heard..…only the ticking of the clock…and THEN…the first  LOUD thunder accompanied by the BIGGEST lightning flash..immediately followed by  the most frightful twitters  uttered by Miss Moussie ……-There he is ..I saw him…there he is..!!

Now, DEAR READER AND FRIEND…I’m confused…who was where, and where was what… Anyhow…"THEY"are  HERE…


You could say our Dutchess, at that moment of fright, was almost quicker than  lighting to run back into the living room and come to Miss Moussie’s  rescue..

-Dearest…she shouted..WHAT…WHERE…WHO…!
-O NOOO…twittered Miss Moussie disappointed, whilst standing with her little nose pressed to the window…now he is gone…
-HE…in our “Bear” you mean…?
-YES..of course..are you expecting anybody else maybe…squeaked our mouse.
With her little paws to the glass she tried to see into the dark garden…it had started to rain..
-There's nobody else around. I am sure what you saw was our friend..answered the Dutchess…looking over her shoulder back into the Hallway..

Again the lighting lit up the room..and the thunder roared…
Again Miss Moussie uttered the most squeaky sound ever to be heard in Hilltop history..but it was a happy sound…it sounded  like surprise and home coming..because before her eyes..illuminated by lightning the friendly furry face of a friend appeared..MOZES..!

The Snow patrol...

Hilltop Hall....on a warm day in...November...

-I'm soooo confused..twittered Miss Moussie ....I'm ever so confused....
-What's the matter dear...asked the Dutchess in response....Is there something I can help you with...?
-Don't think so...twittered Miss can't change the weather....
-Change the weather dearest...but WHY.....its the most glorious November we had in ages..
-Yes yes..I know..and I find this to be very suspicious..its not how its supposed to be... want it to be cold, grimm..and rainy...windy and wet.... we can snuggle up in the house...It may sound strange but I've had enough of summer..I'm kind of tired..and there Miss Moussie sat herself down on a to the french cheese and a pot of  marmalade. ..fumbling with the spoon where she had just stirred her tea with...
-Your tea is getting cold dear......four lumps of you like it..
-I'm not in the mood for tea..twittered Miss Moussie..
-Come on ....said the Dutchess a bit worried...this is not like you at all....cheer up dear..

At that moment in time a little person wearing big spectacles entered the kitchen...It was Mr Mole..
-Hello there Mr C...smiled the good to see you...would you like to join us for a cup of tea....
-That would be lovely...answered Mr Mole...but first..let me tell you something..There's news...and he waved with a newspaper..I just read it....
-O,then do tell us..said the Dutchess...and I'm sure Miss Moussie would like to hear it too...
Miss Moussie didn't move... she didn't even look up...and she didn't even say hello to Mr C...
Goodness...she really is very sad today..

-LLLListen,stuttered Mr he always does when he is exited...LLListen...We are going to have the WINTER of ALL WWWinters....there is a winter traveling to our Hilltop like we have NEVER experienced before...With mountains of snow and Its going to be sooo cold like on the north pole...What do you think about THAT...

-REALLY..twittered Miss Moussie marvelous!
O many things to do in so little time....we have to be  all the little birdies will need mittens.....O dear..
Miss Moussie dropped her spoon and before you could say cheerio...she was gone....disappearing under the doormat....through the crack in the to her birds nest...Leaving Mt C and our Dutchess sitting there in wonder what to expect next...

-Well...said the Dutchess...well..dear C...must we believe everything we read in the newspaper...I always say...seeing is believing...!

-Aah..but there is much more between heaven and earth then what the eye or the mind can behold...answered C...but I do agree that one mustn't believe all what is written...especially weather reports..

Then..Mr Mole and our Dutchess remained silent...both contemplating over what was just shared..

The only sound heard in the kitchen was the ticking of the cuckoo clock..and the soft crackle of the fire in the hearth.. the garden..a little mouse was her hands a big  sheet of paper....
Must dash..she twittered out of breath..must hurry...must let everybody know about my Very Important and Practical too do list....!

A few days later....

Hilltop Hall....about seven o'clock in the evening...

-Brrr..shivered the Dutchess whilst climbing up the stairs to the cold it is today...I;m going to get some more blankets for my bed...
-Strange..there is a light burning at the attic...could there be someone up there....?
Very softly the Dutchess lifted the hatch at the top of the stairs and took a curious peek... and what did she see...

In the middle of the attic..on the floor..sat our dear Miss Moussie...surrounded by..blankets ..candles..winter woollies..a sled..Christmas lights..matches..pillows and quilts..

The Dutchess heard her squeak...
-Survival kit...check..
-Spy kit..check...
-First aid kit..check....Then the little moussie lifted her head ...-O,...Dutchess..its you my dearest...don't mind me, I'm just checking my list...

-Dear dear Miss Moussie..please do come down and join me for a cup of tea..said the Dutchess with a must be ever so tired...I'm sure this list can wait till tomorrow....the weather forecast was fine ..

-Then...didn;t you feel the cold North wind blow today..twittered Miss Moussie...I did...and I just know there's no time to lose...I'm telling you something is about to happen...
-Shall we then continue tomorrow..I;ll help...and we will ask Gustave too...
-Yes..we MUST ask Gustave because I need him for the food storage...we...we...and there Miss Moussie stopped squeaking..
-What dearest....we ..what...whispered the Dutchess..
-O.M.Goodness..twittered Miss Moussie...this can not be happening..its to soon...I'm not ready yet...and in a flash she ran down the stairs and disappeared...

The Dutchess followed as fast as she could....and a few moment later....a moussie and a Dutchess entered a winter wonderland...Lets follow them

O My Goodness...twittered Miss Moussie..Its snowing..its a a blizzard,and when  this snowfall continuous we will be completely snowbound..what did I tell you..We must warn our friends before its to late..
.O my goodness.....Help...Anybody...Gustave...Elvira...Sir Horatio....Please, if you can hear me out there...Leave your nests...Please do come to Hilltop Hall..before its to late.....Hello there ...can anybody hear me...

There was no answer...just the sound of the blazing blizzard ..

Somewhere..on the Hilltop...Elvira popped out of her hiding place...O yes..she could hear our dear Miss Moussie twittering....

-But did she dare to go running through the snow towards Hilltop Hall...

O my goodness..sweet Elvira..trapped in the snow...luckily for her she carried a  bag full of Christmas cookies..but how long could she possible stay out there...and its going to be dark soon..

Finally it stopped snowing...

Miss Moussie was standing in the doorway..gazing at the sky..
-There is still more snow to come..she whispered to herself..I must do something..

Very high the top of the highest tree standing on the Hilltop..a worried owl named Who hooted..

-Dear Who..twittered Miss Moussie...can you see if anyone's coming..can you hear if anyone's calling out for help...

Who hooted again...a very desperate hoot...the lonely sound got lost in the white dwelling...there was no answer...

-That does it...squeaked Miss Moussie...whilst a tear rolled down her cheek and froze instantly while dangling on her nose...I must go on a search..Listen my dear friends out there in the white wilderness...never fear..Miss Moussie is here..I'm on my way to rescue you....Make way for The Snow Patrol....

It was a bleak midwinter night...

Miss Moussie had left the Hilltop Hall in a hurry..She forgot all about her survival list...

There she goes ...without her spy kit..without a first aid kit..the only thing she is taking with her is a little lantern..

Mr Mole and the Dutchess saw her go...until she was just a little beam of light in the distance..slowly disappearing in a white snowy wonderland...

-Ssshe is so very brave...stammered Mr Mole...

-Yes she is...answered the Dutchess..and we must be very brave too..I;m sure all will be OK we must go and do what we promised to do...!

-We must ..said Mr Mole..lets do it...

And then they started to set up the tree..and making a shepherd's ..when the snow patrol would come home...they could celebrate Christmas..

How cold this night was...the snow glistened by the light of stars..the moon was white like ice..

A little mouse struggled her way through the shimmering landscape..shivering in her red velvet coat.

In her little hands she firmly held a she could shine a pale beam of light on the path she was trying to follow.

-O my goodness.she much further will I have to go..there's still no sign of life in this wilderness..I'm ever so worried..

In her mind she already pictured her friends buried under a big pile of snow...
Then...suddenly...a  gust of wind..coming straight from the North Pole....blew out the the candle in Miss Moussie's lantern..and almost froze our little brave moussie into an icy statue..

-O what...she squeaked in fear...I find things in the darkness to be very suspicious and not to be trusted...!!

For a moment she stood there...staring at the sky....

-The stars ..she whispered ...the stars....follow the stars....l can do this...stars I can trust..they guided people through dark times for think little mouse...where's the big bear.....

The night was blue as ink.....with like a million golden looked like a picture out of a fairytale book...

-O WOW...twittered Miss Moussie...I thought stars where bright and twinkling..but there I see one that's  RED....that's impossible...and ..and its moving...?

O my goodness....its falling.....and its coming down fast...its heading towards ME....quick I have to hide....

As fast as she could she started digging a hole in the snow.....trying to disappear...but being a mouse wearing red velvet...this wasn't easy to do....

Miss Moussie curled up...and closed her eyes...-.This it it, she twittered....I'm going to be crushed by a star...

-Something landed....very light ..very to Miss a whirl of fluffy snow...

All was silent.....Miss Moussie didn't dare to move ...

-Then a little voice spoke...sounding like slay bells .....and it said..-.Please !

Please, help me little red ball hiding in the snow..please help me..I'm lost...!

Miss Moussie opened her eyes.... peeked her nose out of the snow..and stared in a bright red light....and at the moment her eyes adjusted, she could see that a reindeer was attached to it...

In one big leap Miss Moussie leaped out of the snow.....-Your HIM....she squeaked...Your IT..she marvelous, I always wanted to meet you ever since I was a little mouse..You're Rudolph.....But,  my dear Rudolph ...forgive me for asking..but shouldn't you be helping Santa tonight...

Then, Rudolf told Miss Moussie that.-.before going on his journey with Santa to bring presents all over the world-.. he wanted to visit the Hilltop....because he read in a French newspaper-..lived a very famous frog named Gustave who could bake imaginary cookies..and he..Rudolph....was a big cookie fan....

Miss Moussie was amazed.....she then told Rudolph hér story....about Gustave, Elvira,..and Sir H. Hog...being lost in the snow..

Rudolph understood the seriousness of the situation Gustave no cookies....and he, being a creature with an extremely sensitive nose...he should be able to find our friends in no time at all...

-Hooray..squeaked Miss Moussie...then darling Rudolph...what are we waiting for........I always wanted to fly a reindeer....My friends will not believe their eyes when we pick them up...Lets GOOOOO...

And there they went....Miss Moussie and Rudolph...flying over the Hilltop grounds...

The Dangerous Drumble...

There is nothing Miss Moussie likes best then searching the Hilltop grounds with her spy kit..
A lovely orange sun accompanies her and is doing his best to keep her warm..
There is a fierce March wind blowing today...
So far Miss Moussie didn't find anything out of the unusual....all was well on the Hilltop.
Yes,there were some crocuses to focus on...but she already spotted them a few days ago..
-Maybe I can go on a Tulip hunt..Miss Moussie twittered to herself...and there she the direction of the Hilltop meadow..

Whilst walking towards the meadow Miss Moussie needs to cross the Dangerous Drumble...!
The Dangerous Drumble is the stream running through the Hilltop Springtime the water runs wild..and you better not fall in...because nobody knows where this drumble ends...or where it one could get seriously lost...and wet...!
Now we all know Miss Moussie isn't the best of swimmers on the Hilltop..Lets hope she will be very careful....

-There it is...squeaked Miss Moussie...the looks very exiting...better find the bridge....its much to deep to wade through..
Soon the bridge was found.....a big log of oak....
-Hm...twittered Miss Moussie...well..I always think old logs are suspicious..but this one looks very stable....I suppose I can cross the Drumble safe and sound...
There she went...very courageous..and very swift..
When she reached solid ground again she uttered a little squeak out of relieve..PHEW...that was scary...
After a few minutes Miss Moussie saw the meadow...she started running...her spy kit was humping and bumping on her back...How lovely it would be when SHE could be the one to find the first spring Tulip...
The forest opened...Miss Moussie could see a a green horizon..the trees at the edge of the forest waved there bare branches and bowed in the they were saying hello...hello dear Moussie...

For a while Miss Moussie just stood he edge of the forest..then she opened her spy kit....
With her nose almost on the ground Miss Moussie stepped into the green grass....spying through her magnifying glass!
There she went... grass..she mumbled....dirt...more dirt...a dirt..and then she stopped in her tracks...again mumbling..what did I just say......A goodness...A DAISY..she found the first daisy..this was sooooooo much better then a Tulip...
-She turned around..did her eyes play tricks on is was..a beautiful fragile fairy white Daisy!

-This is a very important catch..twittered Miss Moussie...this means it really and truly IS Spring...HURRAY..and she made a little jump out of joy..And whilst jumping she saw more Daisies in the two three...twenty five..
-I'll better take some home with me..she I can let everybody know its spring..and we can call the meadow Daisy Meadow again...

And so she did....she threw all the spy stuff out of the bag...and filled it with Daisies..she tied her magnifying glass around her neck on a string of grass..and headed home....singing a song..

Lets follow her dear readers and friends..I have a feeling a new adventure starts today...and it has something to do with a Daisy and a Drumble....

How happy Miss Moussie was..she was skipping through the Daisy meadow..her spy kit filled with Daisies...

-O I can;t wait to get home and show these pretty little flowers...she twittered...and whilst humming a merry tune she again reached the Drumble..
-O Yes...I almost forgot...The Drumble...I have to cross it ..o my goodness...I find Drumbles to be very never can tell where the lead to....

Soon Miss Moussie found the bridge...the old oak log was still laying there..patiently..for every woodland creature to get safely across to the other side of the water..

-Very careful now..twittered Miss Moussie..very careful now...slowly she started walking the bridge..when she was half way she suddenly stopped....
-What's that I see down there in the water..she squeaked...its...its a bottle...and I do believe there's a letter in that bottle...She grabbed her spy glass to focus....YES...she twittered exited...there's a message in that bottle...
Now Miss Moussie became very curious.....she just had to find out what was in that letter,who wrote it...why..when..and more questions of that sort..
-I HAVE to find a way to pick that bottle out of the water...she said to herself....

The bottle was caught between two slippery green cobblestones....this wasn't going to be an easy job to fetch fact it could be very dangerous...

-This could be very dangerous...whispered Miss Moussie...and not at all a very easy job to do on my own...but...I simply MUST find out what that bottle is doing there in the Drumble..

She leaned hanging face down over the edge of the bridge...her little arms reached out and tried to grab the bottle...
-O GOODNESS....she Daisies....there they go.....they fell out of my spy kit....o DARN......

But then Miss Moussie got hold of the bottle...she pulled and pulled...and with great effort she managed to fish the bottle out of the water.....
-PFHEW...she twittered out of breath....this is even a greater catch then the lets open the bottle and find out whats in it..

If you would like to know what message Miss Moussie will find in the bottle....come back another day...and I'll tell you all about it...

Miss Moussie was sad to have lost her daisies..there they went..floating down the stream in the dangerous Drumble...but she was also very happy to have found this bottle..this very mysterious bottle which she was about to reveal the secret inside...A LETTER..!!!! to open this thing..she twittered whilst examining the bottle closer with the help of her spy glass....- AHA....luckily its not a bottle with a cork...! the garden..Gustave was heading in the direction of Hilltop Hall....

-Isn't this the most marvellous spring weather, he croaked with a big grin on his frog face,this weather can make a frog whistle a tune.....and so he did..
Leaping and whistling..whistling and leaping..Gustave was a happy frog today...Off to see the Dutchess...

In the kitchen of Hilltop Hall...something was brewing....The sent of rosemary and parsley swirled through the open window....out into the blue yonder...

-HMMM....croaked Gustave..who sniffled the smell when he took a deep breath to whistle his tune..'HMmmm.whats that smell.....I'll have to find the source of this lovely sent..
And there he went ..following his nose...who directed him to the kitchen...-where he was going visit the Dutchess...

-Yoehoe...Dutchess darling..can I enter...I believe you are cooking something marvelous in there....
-Is this you Gustave..he heard the Dutchess answer....Please come in are just in time to help me sort out something...!
-Sort out a recipe..or.. do you need help cooking...asked Gustave ..always a pleasure my lady...and he enterded the kitchen by leaping through the open window..
-O my, what's this ..he croaked surprised when he landed on the kitchen table...Gustave found himself sitting in the midst of scattered photographs.....
-You are now sitting on my family...said the Dutchess with a my grandmother..she is looking at you from under your toe...
-O..beg your pardon...croaked Gustave..and he jumped up...
-And now your behind is on my fathers head...giggled the Dutchess..never mind father loved frogs......
-What are you doing my dear this what you meant by sorting out some things.....are you sorting out family pictures...could I be of some assistance...?
-Would you be so kind Gustave...I really could use some help..there is a big trunk in the attic...filled with very VERY old family pictures...I was planning to make a book find out more about my heritage...back to the source of the Hilltop history....
-Back to the source you say.....well...I find that very interesting......
Miss Moussie would say...'one never knows what one will find'....And I agree, because one never does one..!!
-There must be pictures from your ancestors too dear Gustave..AND from Miss mother made a lot of pictures in the garden when she was a little girl...will you help me find them..
A few minutes later..a frog and a dutchess were climbing the attic stairs...they were on a quest...The search of old family pictures..time flew by..

On the Old Log bridge....Miss Moussie had opened the bottle...and with a little twig she patiently and with much effort fumbled the letter out....
-There it is..she twittered softly.....Slowly and carefully she unfolded the letter.....took her spy glass...and she twittered the words that were written in blue ink out loud....

-“If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in finding the source...-

-Finding it...whispered Miss the source..finding WHAT...?

For a moment she just stood there...staring at the letter....reading it over and over again...Then...she started walking...curious as she is....a little brave mouse...on her way to find what the meaning could be of something that could not be said, but what she clearly had to find out for the source.....the source of the Drumble..

Whilst Miss Moussie is following the dangerous Drumble to its source...and Gustave is climbing into a trunk on the Hilltop Hall attic for a photo search...there is another little woodland creature on a quest.....Its Mr C..

See....there he is....and what's that he's carrying ...a black box...well I do believe its a camera..Like the ones they used to take pictures with in another century....
Lets find out where he's going....lets follow him....but be ever so quiet...Mr C sees and hears everything...

Just look at him scurrying through the undergrowth....
....O...he stopped....he's now focusing on something under the Lilac bush.... goodness...was that lightning striking the Hilltop....
NO...Mr C took a picture......!

You could see...and hear...the flash Mr C created with his little black box from afar....

-Goodness ..twittered Miss Moussie..what was that..and she stopped and paused for a while...could this be fireworks...?
The leaves on the trees above her little moussie head were rustling they were saying..its OK..carry on..there's nothing strange under the sun today..we will be on the lookout ...

-The Dutchess and Gustave looked up from there picture book...The Dutchess lifted one she always does when there is something what puzzles her...
-Maybe its the soup we left on the stove...said Gustave worried..and now it has exploded..
-No no..dear Gustave...answered the Dutchess and she smiled reassuring...lets continue..the soups fine..

-WOW...uttered Mr ears are ringing...what a noise...this cant be good..better check this black box before making another picture..
He wandered off to the riverbank..and sat himself down..
-How lovely this place is, he said to himself...he loved the little babbling brook...
He knew very well one had to be very careful when walking the Old Log Bridge...the little river could run wild and rush you off to unknown places..but for looked ever so calm and romantic...glistening in the morning sun.
Mr C started fumbling with his black box....this was a marvelous opportunity to make some pictures of the dangerous Drumble in springtime...
-Its amazing hoe quick everything turned green so fast...said C surprised...I have to catch how the sunlight shines through the trees and makes this enchanting reflection in the water..
He focused on the Drumble...and what did catch his eye.......A Daisy floating by.....and another one...and another one..... the Drumble...mumbled strange...I don't suppose they took a dive into the water.....somehow they must of fallen in....
And in a mysterious way Mr C's mind wandered of to.......Miss Moussie...

For a while Mr C just stood there....watching the daisies drift by....

-Now....Let's put one and one together..he whispered...
One...there are daisies in the Drumble
Two...they cant have jumped in by themselves...! must have throwed them in..but why..?
Four...o dear..maybe someone fell in together with the Daisies....
FFFive....and now C began to stutter...this always happens when he is nervous..or when he discovers something..FFFive..WHO loves daisies so much that he or she would dive into the Drumble.....O NO......Miss Moussie..THAT'S WHY my mind mysteriously wandered of to our dear moussie a few minutes ago......O DDDDear....MMmiss Mmoussie ffell in the DDrumble..

As fast as his little feet could dig...Mr C Mole raced through his under ground labyrinth..made a few u turns, took some wrong exit's in his hurry and confusion...but at last he reached the Hilltop Hall....stammering out of breath.....HHelp HHelp....anybody...ccome quickly....Wwe lllost Miss Moussie....

And where was our dear Miss Moussie when Mr C rang the alarm bell at the Hilltop...
Skipping merely down a path that followed the riverbank of the Drumble....singing a happy tune...
-I'M OF TO FOLLOW THE DRUMBLE FOLLOWING THE DRUMBLE AM I....lalalalalalalaaa.......lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Miss Moussie was ever so curious what she was about to find at the source of the Drumble...and this had put her in a very jolly mood...
Whilst skipping and twittering Miss Moussie startled a little flew of flapping his wings fiercely....a little feather came floating down on the wind....
-Don't be frightened dear birdie..squeaked Miss Moussie..I'm just a wanderer in the wilderness...I will do you no harm..and she picked up the feather that the little winged creature had lost in his flight..It was white and fluffy...with a silver lining..
-Aah, so lovely...said Miss Moussie to herself..I will keep it as a souvenir...

The little bird from high up a tree top saw Miss Moussie open her spy kit box and carefully put his lost feather away....
Miss MOussie then followed her trail.....and surprisingly the bird started to follow Miss Moussie..

At the Hilltop....everybody was in a state of panic....Mr C had gathered all the hilltop creatures....and with he himself on the lead they were going on a search for Miss Moussie..

Gustave in great courage (as always)followed Mr C....The Dutchess,very worried,followed Gustave..Elvira nervously followed the Dutchess....Mr H Hog, very brave, followed Elvira....he would go to the end of the world for Miss Moussie...and then there's US....following this parade....

Better keep up now...don't lose track of the one walking before you...keep following...until we reach the source...

Gustave followed Mr C ...he couldn't stop asking questions...

-C..where did you see these daisies to be precise...?
-Told you my the Drumble...floating..down the stream...
-C..did you see any sign of life from Miss Moussie...
-Told you my friend...Daisies...floating in the Drumble..down the stream...
-C....but you didn't see Miss MOussie did you...

Our dear Dutchess followed Gustave..and she couldn't stop asking questions..

-Gustave darling....what did C just say....did he go boating...
-No dearest....he said floating....down the stream..
-Boating down the stream...but I thought we were going upwards....
-We are....the daisies went the other way....
-Gustave darling tell C I am sure we have to go follow the Drumble...and we don't need a boat..

Sweet Elvira followed the Dutchess....she was so nervous she couldn't stop asking questions..

-Dutchess ....please...what's this with a didn't float.!?...O my goodness..
-No Elvira...the daisies did...down the stream....but I'm sure Miss Moussie went the other way...
-Miss Moussie floating in a boat...far away...O my goodness..

Sir Hog did his best to keep up with Elvira..but to know what was happening he couldn't stop asking questions..

-Elvira...wait for me ..wait for me..what did you just say....Miss Moussie went away in a boat....what ever for...?
-Keep up friend Horatio....Miss Moussie is floating in a boat far away down the stream...
-But ...but... we are going upwards....why...what...EVERYBODY STOP....and Sir Hog shouted in a very loud and firm tone of voice...COMPANY ....HALT..!!!!!

We better do as he says...and

Abruptly the Dutchess and company stopped in there tracks....causing a multiple pile up of mole,frog,Dutchess,squirrel and hedgehog...

Poor Mr C...he walked in front of the row...and now the whole gang tumbled atop of him....

-HUMPH...humpfed Mr C..
-Help...Don't squish me..croaked Gustave..-
-So sorry ..said the Dutchess whilst standing up..are you oke Gustave darling...
-Whoops...uttered Elvira...sliding from the Dutchess behind taking with her Sir Hog who tried to grab a ribbon of the Dutchess's dress in an attempted to break his fall..
And for a moment he dangled there....until his arms couldn't hold him anymore and he had to let himself drop..bouncing like a little ball in the grass of the river bank...

-WWhy did we stop...stuttered C...this is no time for a picnic..
-You are so right croaked Gustave..there is no time to loose...who knows where Miss Moussie could be...
-She could be drifting in that little boat out in the open sea by now..said Elvira jumping up and down nervously..
-Nnobody said anything about a bboat stuttered C....!

The Dutchess just stood there...she didn't listen to what her Hilltop friends were saying..she was thinking about her dear Miss Moussie...What if she would never see her again..
There was this photograph they had found a couple of ours ago ...a picture of Miss cute for words...Miss Moussie as a baby,sitting in the the Daisy Meadow..
And then there was this teapot....

-Dutchess...dearest....croaked Gustave ....dearest........A penny for your thoughts ..
-There is this teapot..I have to show Miss Moussie this teapot...whispered the Dutchess to herself..
-She fell on her we have it....Miss Moussie gone and the Dutchess coocoo..said Sir Hog while he dusted himself of and straitened his back..
-Horatio...old chap..that's not a way to speak about our Dutchess croaked take that back I say...and he posted himself in front of Sir Hog's nose...

-Its all right Gustave said the Dutchess..everybody calm down...I was just thinking about my grandmothers teapot..I found it on the attic and it would be so lovely to have tea with Miss Moussie..she would LOVE this teapot...
-And so you will dearest..croaked Gustave...and so you will...Enough of this dilly dally...this is serious business...Come on..Proceed...we are on a quest...The quest to find Miss Moussie..

Up stream..not even so far away from where our company was hiking....Miss Moussie heard a strange sound....
-Water...she squeaked...a LOT of water...O how wonderful..I believe I'm approaching a waterfall...I'm almost there...I've almost reached the source of the Drumble...And above her head a little bird started to sing a tune...

It sounded like the biggest rainstorm ever...Miss Moussie never saw a waterfall in her entire moussies life so you can imagine how she felt.. her little heart pounded very very fast..
Miss Moussie followed a bend in the river...and THERE it was...

From high up..between some rocks..the water came plunging down...
-O my goodness..twittered Miss Moussie...what a wonderful sight...and what almost sounds like thunder....For a minute she was quit overwhelmed by the beauty of this phenomenon..and she almost forgot to breathe....
-I made it ..she twittered with a big happy sigh..I made it...THIS is the source of the Drumble..Phew..I have to sit down for a while....and enjoy this spectacular view..

Miss Moussie sat herself down in the grass of the riverbank....the sun was shining bright...Life was good....And above Miss Moussies head circled a little bird...watching her..then flying away following the Drumble ,gently down the stream....

The Dutchess and Company were now very close in finding Miss a few minutes they are about to reach the river bend...I know it ..and now you know it...but they don;t know it, yet.!....In fact they are very sure the search is leading nowhere...and that our moussie is lost for ever...

There they are..walking in silence...with a heavy heart...
-The Dutchess looked up...seeing nothing but blue skies....sunlight through the treetops...and a beautiful white lovely..
-There...a little white bird...croaked Gustave..I've never seen such a birdie...anyone...?
Gustave was only asking this to distracted our little Hilltop Company from being so gloomy..
The little white bird swooped down..and flew up again..
-O would you look at that...said Elvira surprised..
Again and again the white bird swooped down...and again and flew up again..
-Its a sign...said C..I see it..its a sign..
-Follow that bird...yelled Horatio...I'm sure its a sign or my name isn't Horatio..there's more between heaven....
-Yes yes...we know that..croaked Gustave...don't dilly dally..This birdie is trying to tell us something..
As fast as there feet were willing to run our company ran following the bird...THERE..a bend in the river....and -O MY GOSH,said the Dutchess- a waterfall....and....-Hallelujah..croaked Gustave.....they found Miss Moussie.....

Well dear reader and can imagine how happy our little friends were to see our moussie sitting and sound...
To celebrate the wonderful moment they asked Mr C to take a picture...and so he did..It took some time..but it became one of his HAPPIEST pictures ever made..!!!

What I would like to ad ( as a writer) at the end of this story is this....When you find an old photograph...and you can't recall where it was made...what year..what date..or even what occasion..never mind...Just ask yourself this...are the people on this picture they look happy......When everything else is history...what will remain is the expression in their eyes and on their faces...they will share that moment with you for ever and ever..and you will know if they found the source what makes life worth ..!
-“If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in finding it...Remember the message in the bottle...we all have to find this source for understand....

So..when somebody finds this photograph which Mr C made, lets say one hundred years...I'll doubt anyone will remember where or why it was taken...but they will see a merry group of friends ,happy to have found each other,and happy to be in each other's company..and that's all what counts..(lovely detail in the photograph a little white bird flying over their heads.....)

(you can click the picture for a better view)

Here we will end the storytelling..Miss Moussie has some explaining to do,she had to make a promise to Gustave that she will never again go wandering in the wilderness.... and the Dutchess is in a hurry because she is going on a trip ..!

Feel free to visit the Hilltop ...Sir Hog is the gate keeper this time..and I am sure he will let you in....


At the end of the afternoon,the Dutchess stumbled down the stairs....tired..wearing a deep frown on her forehead...she had been writing....
-'O my gosh'..she whispered to herself at the last step of the stairs..'its already dark in the hall...what could be the time..?'
She reached for the light switch..and waited for the chandelier to spread his light on the big standing clock....
-'Six o clock....of course....we arrived in wintertime..the time of early darkness but also the time of light....we can start thinking about wonderful..'
All kinds of thoughts tumbled through the Dutchess's mind when she walked through the hallway...trees..lights..presents..turkey...friends..castles crowns cottages and laughter...and.. hot chocolate because THAT was the reason to go downstairs..towards the kitchen.. the darkness...and silence...nobody home..

-I am going to gather and light all the candles there are in the house..and I'm going to have a little party all by myself...celebrating THIS time of year...and everything nice to come...sitting in my quiet kitchen and just contemplate..
After she thought up this wonderful idea...the Dutchess wanted to go on a candle search in the dark...(She didn;t want to turn on the kitchen light to disturb the romance..)

THEN....Ssst....what was that...what sound did she just hear coming out of the darkness....It was a very loud squeak followed by.. the patter of little feet....
-Someone there..asked the Dutchess a bit nervous...who are you..and what are you doing in my kitchen.... sorry...Its only me....I didn't want to frighten you....but when you came in YOU frightened ME...
-Ah..its you Miss Moussie....I should have recognised you by your lovely squeak...tell me...why are you wandering around in the dark...did you need anything from the kitchen..
-No No...I came to visit you my dearest....I was thinking..why is it so dark in the stove Dutchess cooking or sitting at the table....I thought something could be wrong...Are you feeling well dear.....can I make you a cup of tea..You look kind of tired...
-Thank you so much for you concern dear Miss M....but I'm fine..
-"Speak you this with a sad brow?" ...twittered Miss Moussie....I don't believe you..
-Ah..Shakespeare my wonderful witty...and this you can see in the darkness..
-Mice have very good eyesight...but it would be better to bring some light into this kitchen...I agree..
- I was just on my way to light ALL the candles we have in the house and create a romantic atmosphere in this kitchen...just because its November and we are starting a new wonderful season...The season of light..Would you like to join me...
-Marvelous...simply marvelous dearest....I'll help you....and could we please make some hot chocolate before we sit down to enjoy the candlelight view..
-You can read my mind..smiled the Dutchess....

When the first candles did light up the kitchen,the stove was burning,and the smell of hot chocolate made its way out through the crack in the door....a little creature, walking in the garden stopped in his tracks...

-Hmmmmmm.....I MUST follow that uttered in immediate haste....and there it went..

High above the bare a cold blustery winter owl came circling down...
Who flew in....with mighty flapping wings...not stopping until he bumped into the kitchen door...with a devastating big bump...and there it was he dropped...on the doormat..

A voice inside the Hilltop Hall squeaked..ENTER..

-There's a bang at the door....squeaked Miss Moussie..someone who isn't polite enough to gracefully knock..
-I'LL go and see who that is..said the Dutches..and with her cup of hot chocolate still in her hand she walked to the kitchen door and opened it..

Who..because that's who it was..stood up from the doormat, where he made his spectacular landing just a few seconds before.. and entered..
He didn't say a word....He shook his wings..fumbled with his feathers..and then flew up with a little flutter ...muttering something like...'AAAh'..and then crashed on the kitchen table..leaning his head in a very dramatic pose against the teapot.. nice of you to drop by....said the Dutchess with a smile...
-Yes..nice..twittered Miss Mousie ,but could you please knock next time..I find a bang on the door to be very never knows what one will find on one's doormat..
-I am so sorry...said Who a bit out of breath...but I was in a hurry...And I didn't come alone..
-Is there somebody else going to bump into our kitchen door....twittered Miss Moussie curious..tell me Who..who..?..

Again Who started to fumble with his feathers...and flap his wings.. he didn't seem to be able to sit still...

-Who dear..please sit still for a are making me nervous..are you having an itch..twittered Miss Moussie...and then she herself started to scratch her back..
-Is there something tickling you ,asked the Dutchess,when she saw Who starting to giggle and now jump up and down on the kitchen table..

-WHOOOHAHA..uttered Who ...just a minute....have to find something..WOOHAH.......AAAAh..there IT is....
-Where..where squeaked Miss are scaring me now..I don't see IT..'

-But I do..said the Dutchess...will you look at that tiny little cute...

On the table next to Who's big owl feet..crawled a white wiggly wormy thing...Yes..a worm..!

-May I introduce to you..said relieved to got rid of this tickling thing...may I introduce to you..a worm from a book...and not just any book..this one comes from...Frankenstein..

The Dutchess and Miss Moussie where flabbergasted..they stood there staring at this wiggly THING...a sound came out of it...

-Hi said...with a very tiny voice...I come from Frankensteins book and my name is do you do..

First there was silence..and then Miss Moussie started to she couldn't stop..

IN the meantime..A little creature scurries through the garden...he is following his nose...and his nose told him to go to Hilltop Hall in a hurry because there could be something chocolate...!

-Chocolate..whispers Gustave (because that's who it is)...chocolate..only the Dutchess can make hot chocolate that smells this good..and he makes a big leap for joy..
There..he can see Hilltop Hall in the distance...How wonderful...Smoke is coming out the chimney and there are lights in the kitchen...It looks ever so warm and inviting..
Coming closer Gustave hears a murmur of laughter through the treetops...its coming out of the house and it sounds very familiar..It could be Miss Moussie..
-Well...they are having fun in there..says Gustave to himself and he stops to listen..
-Isn't it wonderful to have friends to come home to ,he sighs gratefully...

The evening is quiet and very still...There's only the sound of leaves whirling on the ground..round and round and round they go....a beautiful happy dance...The moon is full and casts his light on a big red toadstool...Gustave decides to pause for a while to enjoy the view and the fresh night air..
He hops on the stool and gazes at the sky...its clear and bright...and very cold..very cold indeed...Gustave's mind wanders of...thinking..There could be snow....yes....there could be snow..wouldn't that be enchanting..

-Hello there....hé up there..excuse me....helloooooo....!

A little creature stretched itself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the mushroom, and its eyes immediately met those of Gustave, sitting on the top.....

-Helloooooo IT uttered again....excuse up there...can I ask you a question...?

Gustave responded immediately and he asked in great surprise....'Who are you.....?
-I'm Alice..answered the creature..and I am a worm..not just ANY worm you know..I come from Wonderland...

And then Gustave almost fell of his stool...laughing like he couldn't stop...
A worm from Wonderland....HaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

-What's so funny ...said Alice... please Mr Frog, is it possible, when you have stopped laughing, to ask you a question....?
-O..I'm so sorry my dear ...croaked Gustave with a big grin on his frog face..I'm so sorry,this isn't very polite of me...Its ever so nice to meet look adorable.. My name is Gustave and tell can I help you..?
-Well,the problem is...Gustave.. I AM LOST....and everything is getting curiouser and curiouser...
-Lost you say...lost in the woods....?
-Yes....suddenly I found myself falling and falling ..and there I was..In the middle of Hilltop forest...and now I don't know how to get back..
-Back to whére little Alice,croaked Gustave...where did you come from..?
-From a book...said Alice with a very tiny voice...the most wonderful book ever written...and I;m a very important character in it...I'm Alice....

Gustave looked puzzled....he didn't know what to say..A lost strange..

-Come on..he croaked whilst hopping of his stool...I know just the person who can help you....follow me little Alice..We are going to visit the Dutchess..she'll know what to do..
-The Duchess...uttered Alice surprised..did you say the Duchess...she's in my book you know..she is very ugly don;t you think..!
-I THINK NOT...croaked Dutchess is very lovely dare you say this about the Dutchess..are we speaking about the same person..?
-Well, last week she said this to me...listen "'You don't know much; and that's a fact",this wasn't very nice...
-Couldn't be my Dutchess, said Gustave..I'm sure of it...
-How about this then.....and I quote..: Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
-This COULD be my Dutchess but I think I should understand that better, if you had it written down....I can't quite follow it as you say it...
-THAT'S what I thought..when I heard that the first time.... Alice said surprised..

The situation was,like Alice mentioned before,getting curiouser and curiouser..Together Gustave and Alice walked towards Hilltop Hall....Off to see The Dutchess..

Meanwhile the kitchen of Hilltop Hall....a little wormy creature named Monster asked..
-What;s so funny...never saw a worm before...?
--Not a worm from frankenstein...laughed Miss Moussie...Whats with all the look all stitched up...I'm afraid when I touch you ,you might fall apart...
-I happen to be proud of my stitches ...Its what makes me special..I am a very important character from a very famous book...I'm the Monster...I was created....
-O yes..I know the book..twittered Miss Moussie...I found it very creepy.....The monster was made by a crazy scientist...And crazy scientists are not to be trusted...
-Well,let me tell you....I am NOT my creator...I am a very loving creature..!
Let me quote myself...I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me likes of which you can scarcely imagine and

-And eh WHAT,,twittered miss Moussie..
-Eh..I fforgot the rrest...stammered the monster...
-HMMN...squeaked Miss Moussie..whilst looking at the Dutchess.....very suspicious....

-O my goodness...said the Dutchess...look what just entered the kitchen....

Miss Moussie turned around and saw Gustave standing on the doormat...and next to him a worm..a worm with curls ....

-I'll say.....twittered Miss Moussie..O. M. G. indeed....!

-Hello there...croaked Gustave...I was planning to come for a cup of cocoa but look what I found on my way over here..and he pointed towards the worm standing next to him....Dear friends..let me introduce to you ...Alice...from wonderland...

Alice..very courteously made a bough and said...So nice to meet you all...I hope I'm not causing any inconvenience by crawling in unannounced...

-Well..dear ..Alice, twittered Miss are ever so welcome...and please meet another unexpected quest....The Monster...from Frankenstein...!

Now it was Gustave's turn to be surprised again...and little Alice stood there silent..and motionless...
Nobody knew exactly what to do or what to say...

Dear friends...said the Dutchess breaking the silence.....this seems to be a very awkward please forgive us our behavior...worms on kitchen tables or on doormats are not something we are used to..Please, Mr Monster and sweet little Alice ..would you be so kind to tell us what may be the purpose of your visit..

-Its a worm thing...said the Monster
-No,its a book thing..said little Alice whilst climbing the table leg...
-Its more wormy then book..said the Monster..
-No,its more book then wormy..said reaching the table surface..
-I would say its a bookworm thing..said the Monster.
-I agree,said Alice..and she sat herself down at Owls feet.....who sat very still in anticipation....what next..?

-Oke..,croaked Gustave ..leaping from the doormat to a kitchen far so good...

-What's a bookworm thing...twittered Miss Moussie...I never saw it before...never heard of it either...?

Did You...?

It was a strange looking scene in the Dutchess's kitchen...There was Who, sitting on the Table with at his big owl feet two little worms..
Miss Moussie had sat herself down on her was always standing ready for her next to the teapot warmer,and Gustave found a lovely seat close to the the rim of her now empty cocoa cup.

The worms continued there story..

-Dear Dutchess said Alice....when was the last time you visited your library..I ask you this because there's SO many dust on all of the wouldn;t believe !...WE...the bookworms who live there are having some serious allergy problems...we can not stop sneezing....
-And don't forget to mention the darkness...there hasn;t been any light coming into MY book for ages....said the Monster...
-We need the light dearest Dutchess...its not possible for any living being to live in darkness all of the time...we don't know when its day or night...I can't see if the roses are white or red in MY book...sighed Alice..and this could bring some characters of my story in big problems..
-I'm sorry to say that there are worms who have left this building searching for a lighter and brighter place...we surtenly need this at this time of year...and after saying this Monster took a deep breath...He looked very sad....He knew where living in darkness could lead to...

-I understand...twittered Miss is the season of light...I would be sad too when I had to spend it in darkness...Tell me..are there more worms wandering around on the Hilltop searching for a brighter place...

-O my goodness...I feel very bad....Dear Alice..and dear Monster you are trying to tell me that I've neglected you...and you are so right..I haven't been in the library for months...the Dutchess said this whilst searching for her handkerchief...she had tears in her eyes...
-Don't cry my sweet lady...croaked Gustave..and he helped to pull out a handkerchief out of the Dutchess's sleeve...please don't cry...You couldn't help have been ever so busy....writing and drawing...
-Yes yes...AND spending to much time at my computer...sniffled the Dutchess...I didn't read a book for ......I don't even know when I last read a book...a she blew her nose..very loud!!

-You know...whispered Alice,while she crawled close to the Dutchess to look her in the know, we even thought of choosing the dark side..and become a VIRUS!
People are not reading books anymore...we worry all the books could disappear in time so we were thinking to go in the computer business...and sabotage the system...we even had a name for our virus....The Trojan Horse...I believe some worms all over the world are already very busy doing so...
-O MY GOODNESS..twittered Miss can not do that...a virus is very dangerous and is not to be trusted...please tell us how we can help....before this gets out of control...?

For a moment there they were all thinking what to do....when a knock and muffled sound came from....the refrigerator....


-Curiouser and curiouser said Alice.....there's someone at the fridge door....

-Do you think its safe to open that fridge...twittered Miss Moussie..
-I'm Alice...said the Dutchess.....we have to know whats in there...!
-Maybe its the Christmas pudding.....getting impatient and wanting to come out....croaked Gustave..
-Shall I open it, hooted Owl....if its something creepy I'LL slam the door shot again..I'm very quick on these wings..and to demonstrate this Who flapped his wings furiously..

-And doing so Who created a storm strong enough to blow Alice and Monster away...
Luckily both of the worms made a soft landing in the sugar bowl..

-Dear Who..Be careful when you open that door ..said the Dutchess..I will be right behind you..
-Me too...squeaked Miss Moussie..
-Me three..croaked Gustave....uh...On the count of three everybody..
-One....two....THREE....and there Who opened the fridge door.....

This is what they saw....
Another worm ..sitting in the middle of the Christmas pudding...shouting..


O.M Goodness..twittered Miss Moussie...I know that worm....Its the worm of Christmas present...

-You must be the ghost of Christmas present ..twittered Miss Moussie..But are very tiny...The ghost in the Christmas Carol is a giant..'
-AHAA..said the worm in the know your classics...surely then you can remember that the ghost of Christmas present has the ability to change he can fit into ANY I'm doing today...!
-Did you come alone....asked the Dutchess...or are there more worms in my refrigerator..?
-I let me count..uuuh...2009 brothers to be precise..answered the ghostly worm.. have more then 2000 of those wormy ghosts in your fridge..squeaked Miss Moussie..EEEuw..
-No no no...said the ghost ...I;m really should read the Christmas Carol again sweet seems you forgot a part that's very elementary..I am alone because I AM the GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT....meaning I can only exist in the NOW....I am on Earth for just one single year....the year 2010....and this year is almost coming to an end...SO....And there he paused for a come with a very important message..I am a ghost on a mission...
-We believe you are not the only worm on a mission...croaked Gustave....look...and he pointed towards the wiggly worms in the sugar bowl...they also tried to tell us something...
-And we think we've got the message dear Ghost...said the Dutchess... I believe its all my fault...I'm the one who neglected the books....and the worms...Tell me ..what can I do...
-There's no better time to make a change then the present time...said the wormy ghost....whilst wiggling out of the Christmas pudding..
-I know what to do...twittered Miss Moussie exited...I know exactly what to do.......we are...uh...and then...ah...yes....
-Don't keep us in suspense sweet Miss...croaked Gustave...we all know you're ideas can be quit brilliant at share them with us..

-A big smile appeared on Miss Moussie face and she twittered with a firm tone of twitter...(which could only mean that whatever she had been figuring out definitely was going to happen).....LISTEN....We are going to celebrate Christmas in the Library..

-Marvellous...said the Dutchess...
-Amazing...croaked Gustave..
-Wonderful...wiggled the worms...
-What a hoot...hooted Owl....
-I love it when a plan comes together ..squeaked Miss Moussie....come on everybody...things to do ..places to time to waste.....

And so this story comes to an end...Christmas came and all of our little garden creatures made it a very very special one..SO..On the Hilltop the days before Christmas were very busy...
Everybody was doing his best to make this the most wonderful Christmas holiday ever..

Sir Horatio Hog was in charge to arrange the lights...He was standing in the Library..looking up...
-Now that these poor little worms were in the dark for such a long time I am going to hang more then a million lights in this place...this he said to Mr C...who just entered the Hilltop Library...carrying a basket full of dusting cloths.
-Great idea my friend Horatio..said Mr C...there's more between heaven and earth then darkness...I'm sure you will do a grand job bringing light into the Library and to Hilltop Hall...
-I can't wait to see this..said the Dutchess..following Mr C and pulling behind her a vacuum cleaner..but please let us clean up first and dust the books and bookshelf's....
-Yes...OPEN those stuffy books...said C...let them breathe..(and... so he thought by himself...and...then I can take a quick look inside..he LOVED books).

Gustave was in charge of the Christmas dinner...he has been cooking for days and days....

And our dear Miss Moussie....she insisted to decorate the tree..with a little help from Elvira...
It took some time to get the tree inside the house..and for a while it was stuck at the winding stairs..the Library is at the second they had to drag the tree two spiral staircases up..!!

But today ..after some hard are all ever so welcome to visit

The snowy Hilltop inhabitants would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!
Here's to dear reader and friend..lets toast and sit down by the fire..Shake hand with the bookworms...and lets make them a promise..
Don't forget the BOOKS....because there are worms in it...!~We read to know we are not alone~(C.S Lewis).

And to end this little story Mr C would like to read you a poem he found whilst dusting the books...
John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922) ‘Bookworm Ballads, a literary feast

My Bookworm gave a dinner to a number of his set.
I was not there — I say it to my very great regret.
For they dined well, I fancy, if the menu that I saw
Was followed as implicitly as one obeys the law.

“’Twill open,” he observed to me, “with quatrains on the half.
They go down easy; then for soup” — it really made me laugh —
“The poems of old Johnny Gay” — his words were rather rough —
“They’ll do quite well, for, after all, soup’s thin and sloppy stuff.

“For fish, old Izaak Walton; and to serve as an entrée,
I think some fixed-up morsel, say from James, or from Daudet;
The roast will be Charles Kingsley — there’s a deal of beef in him.
For sherbet, T. B. Aldrich is just suited to my whim.

“For game I’ll have Boccaccio — he’s quite the proper one;
He certainly is gamey, and a trifle underdone;
And for the salad, Addison, so fresh and crisp is he,
With just a touch of Pope to give a tang to him, you see.

“And then for cheese, Max Nordau, for I think you’ll find right there
Some things as strong and mushy as the best of Camembert;
And for dessert let Thackeray and O. Khayyám be brought,
The which completes a dinner of most wondrous richness fraught.

“For olives and for almonds we can take the jokes of Punch —
They’re good enough for us, I think, to casually munch;
And through it all we’ll quaff the wines that flow forever clear
From Avon’s vineyards in the heart of Will of Warwickshire.”’

From...Cobwebs from a library corner (1899) gutenberg.

Thats all folks........Hope to see you again soon.....Stay warm and Stay Happy..!

Art-Pic nr 4 `Scott Gustafson.Town mouse and Country mouse.